Cobble Sand Making Machine Produces Qualified Gravel Aggregate


sand maker

In the recent years, with the growth of economic development in China, the government invests more and more in infrastructure construction such as railways, highways, bridges, water conservancy projects, which all can't work without sand and gravel aggregate which is the precondition of the smooth progress of the project. But the natural ones in our country is running out, making more and more sand manufacturers using artificial sand production equipment to produce the green construction sand and gravel aggregate.

Because the cobble is the raw material of the artificial sand making equipment, and our country has rich cobble resources, the cobble sand production line appears here and there ceaselessly, effectively guaranteeing the continuous supply of qualified sand and gravel aggregate for the national infrastructure projects.

Artificial sand making production line can be divided into two kinds: the dry sand production line and wet sand production line. The application of the former process can reduce the production cost. While the latter process needs a lot of water to wash the sand, causing the waste of water resources and sand resources. The sand production line also needs all kinds of equipment, such as the equipment that conducts fine or coarse crushing to the materials. So the good cooperation of different equipment supports the smooth operation of the whole line.

The final product produced by the cobble sand making machine is shaped as cube, having a high pressure resistance ability and suitable for the railway and highway construction. The needle and flake like products account for a very small ratio. All the factors above make it the most often used equipment in the sand production line.

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